With summer just around the corner, many of you may be preparing for extended visits from your parents, in-laws, siblings, cousins, or even just good friends.
Just as safety is important to the wellbeing of you and your immediate family, it should be a top priority for your out-of-town guests.
We have 8 ways to ensure a safe home for you and your visitors this summer.
1. Test those smoke alarms. You should have tested your smoke alarm during Daylight Savings Time but if you didn’t check it now. While it’s recommended that you change the batteries twice a year, it’s a good idea to be sure the batteries are still working every other month
2. Plan your escape. No. Not from your family or friends! In case of fire, you should have an escape plan from every floor in your house. Review the plan with your guests for their safety sake.
3. Check the interior and exterior lighting. Go outside this evening and look at the lights around the house. Are they working? Do any bulbs need to be replaced? How about inside your house? Do you have night lights near any tripping hazards? Some people will wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or to get a drink of water in the kitchen. Make sure you have night lights or even automatic lights to prevent falls.
4. Eliminate any tripping hazards. Speaking of those tripping hazards, eliminate any if you can. While you’re familiar with that area rug that tends to curl up or the hose in the backyard that is usually unwound and laying across the walkway, your guests are unaware of these hazards. Tape down those rugs and put away any potential trip hazards.
5. Practice better kitchen safety methods. Kitchen safety should be a priority even if you don’t have summer visitors. Make it a habit to keep knives and hot items away from the edges of countertops and tablecloths so they can’t be pulled down and injure someone.
6. Check the window locks. Double check all of your window locks and latches in every room so kids can’t open a window by accident and possibly fall.
7. Keep medications and chemicals out of reach. If your visitors have children, remember that kids are curious. They like to explore and try new things. Keep your medications out of reach or in a locked cabinet. Also, lock away those household cleaners and any lawn chemicals you may use.
8. Install a Carbon Monoxide Alarm. Carbon monoxide is known as “the silent killer.” That’s because you can’t see it, smell it, or taste it. This deadly gas is produced by fuel-burning heating equipment, such as furnaces, wood stoves, and fireplaces. In fact, carbon monoxide poisoning claims the lives of nearly 300 people annually according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. If you don’t have one already, install a carbon monoxide alarm in your home that will warn you if too much carbon monoxide is in your home. And if you already have an alarm, test it to be sure it’s working properly!
Protect Your Home With Homeowners Insurance
Spending time to ensure that your home is safe for you and your visitors this summer will give you peace of mind, as well as continue to make your home ownership a happy and healthy experience.
Be sure to also protect yourself with affordable home insurance. Contact us today to learn how Bock Agency can help with your homeowner's policy. We offer home insurance tailored to your needs in North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania including the Greensburg, Irwin, N. Huntingdon, Pittsburgh, and Trafford areas. Request a homeowners insurance quote today.